Waste Management Policy 

IDSurfaces is dedicated to sustainability, placing a strong emphasis on effective waste management as a cornerstone of our environmental strategy.

Our Waste Management Policy reflects our commitment to reducing waste generation, promoting recycling, and ensuring responsible disposal practices across all of our operations.

At IDSurfaces, we believe that every aspect of our business, from manufacturing to distribution, must align with our sustainability goals. This involves minimizing waste at the source, optimising resource use, and encouraging the adoption of circular economy principles.

By implementing comprehensive waste management practices, we aim to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.

Our policy advocates for continuous improvement and innovation, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship among our employees and partners.

Through this collective effort, IDSurfaces ensures that every stakeholder is engaged in our mission to achieve sustainable waste management and support global environmental objectives.

Sustainable Waste Management Policy  

The sustainable use of materials is important to all of us including and our stakeholders. By the management of all waste streams, we can redefine waste as a valuable material and provide material practices through which we can operate.

This policy outlines our commitment to improving our waste management, as well as influencing our supply chain to encourage good practices in material and waste efficiency. We are aware of the impact our activities have on the environment and we take steps to minimize this impact. This policy commits us to minimising the impact and use of natural resources by reusing materials, recycling, and reducing our waste to landfill.

Leadership & Governance  

We will make all practicable and reasonable efforts to reduce waste within our operations. We achieve this by improving waste and recycling infrastructures and adhering to all related legislation. These measures will ensure continual progress is made towards reducing waste production, diverting waste from landfill, and increasing recycling. We assign managerial responsibility for sustainable waste material management across the business and report reductions and continuous improvement. Each site becomes responsible for managing its waste stream, arranging its recycling, and reducing waste to landfill. The IDS Leadership Team is responsible for the management and implementation of this policy and reviewing waste management performance.

We will:

  • Meet or exceed all waste-related legislation and requirements.
  • Implement waste strategies based on the following waste practices:

o Refuse: Prevent the use of unnecessary products and raw materials used in operations and products or the ordering of excessive materials;

o Reduce: Eliminate or decrease the use of virgin products and raw materials. Before you buy, consider whether the item is needed, or being offered for reuse by another. If not, then make sure that waste from the item purchased can be effectively reused or recycled. Where possible, make attempts to repair items before going on to purchase new ones. Where delivery is included as part of the order, ensure suppliers take back used packaging;

o Reuse: Use of a material or product by an original owner or the sale to a second owner for the same purpose. Explore opportunities to reuse items before disposing of them as waste. Examples are furniture and IT equipment;

o Repair: Create the ability to maintain and repair existing products;

o Refurbish: Restore and improve products to a satisfactory state;

o Remanufacturing: use parts of discarded products to make products with the same purpose or for sale;

o Repurpose: Use discarded products or parts to make new products with a different purpose or for sale;

o Recycle: Process waste into materials that can be used for new products or for sale;

o Recover - Incineration of materials to recover energy only as a last or only option;

o Landfill: Only special or hazardous waste in accordance with regulations.

  • Communicate this policy to employees, contractors, and suppliers and involve them in achieving targets and following the waste practices;
  • Set local plans to reduce waste;
  • Implement initiatives to raise awareness;
  • Actively manage, monitor, and measure waste across our operations to identify the most significant areas and prioritise these areas for reduction measures;
  • Investigate new developments in technology and plant, which may help to reduce waste;
  • Ensure there is good planning and understanding of future risks and opportunities to inform decision-making and effective material management.